耐熱雙層隔熱玻璃杯(小號)Double layer heat resistance glass (S)
耐熱雙層隔熱玻璃杯(小號)Double layer heat resistance glass (S)
$ 28.00特價: $ 12.00
- 57%
貨架: 有存貨
Material 材料: Borosilicate glass 高硼硅玻璃 Size 尺寸 : 80ml Please see the attached photo 請參看附圖。 This glass is non-toxic 此玻璃杯不含有毒、有害物質。 Remark 註 : A hole on the bottom of glass to release gas inside, not defective 杯底有一個孔作玻璃內放氣之用途,並非次貨。