Material 物料: Nylon+ PU foam 尼龍+聚氨酯發泡膠 Size 尺寸 : 50 x 40 x1cm Color 顏色 : Blue 藍色 Odorless and Non-toxic 無味無毒 No battery is required 無須電源 No need to put into refrigerator 無須冷藏 Immediately cooling 即用即冷 Eco materials 低碳環保
** Caution : This mat is not a chew resistant material, we are not responsible to return nor refund if this product is damaged by biting. 注意: 此冰墊物料不是耐咬的,本公司不會負責因寵物咬爛後之損毀退回或退款要求。